It is with some trepidation that we return to work – now in Tier 3 – everywhere is shut down again, but we are open for business and working flexibly, socially distanced in the Glass Bubble which I now call the office. With the two vaccines we can hope that 2021 will see us emerging from the yoyo lockdowns that have become the norm, stronger and more agile than before. Wishing all our clients and colleagues, surveyors, engineers, ecologists, garden designers, building control partners and planning consultants a very Peaceful New Year. Testimonial for North Cadbury Neighbourhood Plan “We needed […]
After 9 months, planning permission and listed building consent was granted with 14 conditions, for 1 Church Street, Lyme Regis, last Friday. This was the best Christmas present the clients could hope for after such a long wait. Is this a record for the longest time taken to get consent or the maximum number of conditions? It is galling that building owners and their agents have to jump through so many hoops when other equally simple applications are issued in less time with fewer (standard) conditions across the border in South Somerset and East Devon. It’s about time the system […]
Angel Architecture worked closely with the Client and Chris Gibbons, Conservation Builder to achieve a very traditional appearance to the first floor of this Grade II listed building. Formerly concealed behind cement render this clunch and flint elevation was carefully uncovered together with the lath and plaster to the rear of a gentrified staircase which projected into the masonry, repointed, rendered and limewashed using Rose of Jericho analysis and mixes. The only difficulty was overcoming the vertical positioning of the new windows to the master bedroom and family bathroom since the external masonry wall extended well above ceiling level into […]
This month we are starting work on a new care facility in the grounds of a residential home Grade II listed Highfield House in Castle Cary Conservation Area. Nick Jackson, arboriculturist, is carrying out a tree survey and we are designing a freestanding building in the garden to provide respite care for 3 resident and an alternative option from the main house which currently accommodates 22 residents. The design take its cues from the range of workshops and offices which occur in Pithers Yard on the other side of the brick boundary wall and these provide a precedent for a single storey […]