Making Historic Buildings fit for the 21st Century.
Listed Building Architectural Services
Angel Architecture Ltd provides specialist and professional advice to listed building owners who seek their alteration, extension or conversion, finding sympathetic and realistic solutions so that owners can enjoy their properties while conserving them for future generations.
Angel Architecture has the experience and professional knowledge needed to facilitate the repair, alteration and extension of all types of older buildings, as well as new buildings in the setting of listed buildings and in conservation areas.

Architect & Historic Buildings Consultant
Architectural Services
The purpose of an introductory visit is to establish for a modest fee what is possible
having carried out a cursory inspection of the site and consideration of the client’s brief.
Contact Us To
Arrange A Site Visit
The Practice only works in the county of Dorset
Professional advice to listed building owners.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 7.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Service Area & Type
Architectural services forlisted buildings in Dorset
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