What a busy week it has been with a site visit to Eastbury House to see the works in progress for the means of escape from the first floor of this Grade II listed residential care home, and visits to two new projects, one in Sherborne and one in Broadwindsor, where we already have two clients. We also received listed building consent for internal alterations for a listed rope workers cottage in Bridport. It’s great to be busy but it would also be beneficial to stop and take stock occasionally. Having more visitors to the office makes it feel as […]
Listed building consent
2 posts
A listed building is a building of special architectural or historic interest that has been identified for protection through legislation. Listing is the process by which buildings are added to the statutory list by the Designations Team of Historic England. Compiled under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, the list includes a great variety of structures from castles to telephone boxes. Listing gives protection to historic buildings and requires their special interest (significance) to be taken into account before any changes are made to them that would affect their special interest (significance). Listed buildings are graded to […]