Earlier this month, Angel Architecture associates got together for our Christmas lunch, minus Peter Child who sadly could not make it. The venue was RISE in West Bay. From left to right are Karen Carrington, Kim Sankey, Miranda Martineau, Jon Waterhouse and Dan Wilkinson.

Angel Architecture has been working on small and large projects throughout November, including application for planning permission 19/02440/HOU and listed building consent 19/02441/LBC for Roseview, Coker Marsh, East Coker, Somerset, approved on 19th November, for new windows at the rear, a new staircase, new first floor partition, fire proofing of the roof void and installation of a wood burning stove and flue. The building is a Grade II listed thatched cottage.

AAL have also been commissioned to design a small extension to one in a row of four listed cottages in Walditch Conservation Area.  These are of cruck frame construction, dating from mediaeval times.