AAL have been appointed to obtain listed building consent to replace the corrugated iron roof over this previously thatched farmhouse which is of late mediaeval origin. Together with an attached cider house and stables, the farmhouse is one of four Grade II listed buildings on the site including a cart shed, barn and garden wall.  Constructed of chert with dressings of Hamstone from Somerset, windows with leaded lights and label moulds, the roofs are a mix of Welsh slate, iron and clay crinkle crankle tiles.  The house has been in the same family of dairy farmers for three generations.  The works include repairs to joinery and a new porch to the upper farmhouse kitchen.

The Dorset Tourism Awards 2021 has awarded AAL with two awards in the Accessible and Inclusive Tourism category for West Bay Discovery Centre and West Bay Play Area.

We finally moved house and office on 26th February but it’s business as usual. Hopefully when the lockdown is eventually lifted in the summer, clients and colleagues can visit us ‘at home’.