The farmhouse at Cathole is a fascinating new commission, an early C18 farmhouse with attached byre, it ceased to be a working farm in the 1970’s and since 1992 has become the home of our clients who have sensibly decided to look at options for the repair and conversion of three outbuildings to new uses.  This is a typical Devon long house with a cross passage, previously with two staircases under a thatched roof, now slate.   The hen house and dairy have been turned into utility spaces ancillary to the kitchen.  The re-use of redundant farm buildings needs to consider and safeguard the existing character of the historic environment including the setting of the Grade II listed farmhouse in the East Devon AONB.  Working closely within policies in the Neighbourhood Plan and East Devon Local Plan, a valuable and appropriate re-use of the shippen, barn and stable will be explored.  Conversions of redundant barns and other farm buildings can provide opportunities for new accommodation, can make a positive contribution to the local character of the area, as well as meeting housing needs.